Bible Verse of the Day

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Grief loss... A journey that begs company...

So the unthinkable has happened to you! A particular someone has been torn from your life by tragedy, and you are heartbroken. I am so very sorry for your loss, and wish to extend the deepest sympathies you and your family.

You are in the midst of one of the most painful and trying experiences that a human can possibly endure. No one can know the depths of your pain, and we know that you will never forget this terrible tragedy. Memories of your departed one will never leave you, but thankfully they fade away.

I think it may help you to know that grief is a process, a long journey of acceptance and healing. And you can get through it, and come back in time to a happy and productive life. I know it is hard for you to believe right now, but you must hold onto hope, and keep in the back of your mind that things will eventually get better.

You are not alone in this. You probably feel quite overwhelmed and bewildered right now, sort of like you were picked up and placed on a different planet! This grief thing is a surreal new world of uncharted territory for you, and no one gave you a roadmap, did they?

There is no "right way" or "wrong way" to grieve... but there are ways to make the whole ordeal more bearable and find successful closure. Grief loss recovery is a long and painful process, but there will be brighter days ahead for you, I promise.

Mental health care professionals agree that one of the most helpful ways to work through mourning is to express your grief, and not hold it in. And your most effective and creative expressions of grief may differ from the next person's.

As long as you are moving, changing, creating, expressing, doing something;
your grief and sorrow will proceed in a healthy manner.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step"
- Chinese Proverb

Don't dream the dream is over...


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