Bible Verse of the Day

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Masculine Potentials –

The external deficiencies for achieving true manhood (the absent or immature father, the lack of ritual initiation out of boyhood, the scarcity of ritual elders {role models}), it appears, can be remedied.

Deep within every man are the blueprints (‘hard-wiring’) for the calm and positive mature masculine – ‘archetypes’ (primordial images), if you will, of masculine potentials.

The dictionary definition for the word ‘archetype is:
1. An original model or type after which other similar things are patterned (prototype)
2. A perfect or typical example
3. In the psychology of CG Jung, an inherited idea in the individual unconsciousness that is thought to derive from the collective experience of mankind as a whole

On the level of the deep unconscious the psyche of every person is grounded in a ‘collective unconscious’, made up of genetically inherited instinctual patterns and energy configurations. These archetypes provide the true foundations for our behaviours – our thinking, feeling and characteristic human reactions – determining human cognitive and emotional life. (Acceptable hypothesis, in my book)

There are a large number of these blueprints which seemingly manifest themselves to be gender specific. There are archetypes that pattern the thoughts, relationships and feelings of women; and there are archetypes that pattern the thoughts, feelings and relationships of men. (Tell me something I didn’t know! The whole ‘Venus and Mars’ thing?)

Furthermore; according to the Jungians;
In every man there is a feminine sub personality – Anima – with feminine archetypes
In every woman there is a masculine sub personality – Animus – with masculine archetypes
(OK, this seems to hold some credence; didn’t know they had names though; or even that I could name them – I usually put it down to ‘PMS’ and menopause – lol, just kidding!)

All human beings can access the archetypes, to a greater or lesser degree; and in fact do so in our inter-relating with one another.

The field of archetypal psychology is still young. The aim of this study is to explore and show the way to access these positive archetypal potentials for our own benefit, the benefit of others (especially our immediate partners and families) and even the world at large.

SEEMS HARMLESS ENOUGH… What do you think?

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