Bible Verse of the Day

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Day 6 ~ Life is a temporary assignment

This world is not our home.
Earth is not our final home; we were created for something much better. This realisation should change your values from temporal to eternal ones.

We are travellers in a foreign land. All that is not eternal is eternally useless.

We must therefore not become too attached or affected by earthly matters, good and bad; they shall all pass away. Also don't assume to be rewarded for your faithfulness here on earth, it is not a given...

At death you won't leave home - you'll go Home.
When this life becomes overwhelming and doubt niggles you to wonder whether a Christlike life is worth the effort, remember, you are not home yet.

We cannot conceive what wonders He has prepared for us. You will have happy moments here; but they dull in comparison.

Don't forget, compared to eternity life is extremely brief and earth (with all it's trappings) is only a temporary residence.

How does the fact that all this is temporal change the way you live now?

Personally it has immensely changed my sense of being patient. I CAN WAIT FOREVER ~ SB

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