Bible Verse of the Day

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Day 4 ~ Made to last forever

There is more to life than just here and now.

We cannot conceive of the wonders He has planned for us in Eternity.

When you live in light of eternity, your values change. Many things will appear trivial, petty and unworthy of our attention; such as our goals and problems in this fleeting of life. The closer we get to God and thus to the realisation that all this is temporary, the smaller everything else appears.

Since I'm going to live forever what one thing should I stop and start doing?

Guess I should stop chasing the need to build up a stack of unnecessary financial wealth and regretting past lost opportunities.
I must start appreciating more the roles my loved ones and loyal persons play in my earthly existence.
(may conflict with dissociating from entities that are unwilling to follow Jesus)

O Lord please guide and assist my compromises...

Gonna start living from here to Eternity ~ SB

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