Every temptation is an
opportunity to do good
Every time you choose to do
good instead of sin, you are growing in the character of Christ. This
character, in part, encompasses the Fruit of the Spirit:~ Love, Joy, Peace,
Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self-control. To have the Fruit of the
Spirit is to be like Christ. God develops the Fruit of the Spirit in your life
by allowing you to experience circumstances in which you are tempted to express
the exact opposite qualities. Character development always involves a choice,
and temptation provides that opportunity. You can’t claim to be good if you've never been tempted to be bad. Every time you defeat a temptation, you become
more like Jesus!
It helps to know that Satan
is entirely predictable.
Satan identifies a desire
inside of you and suggests (by thought) that you give in to an evil desire, or
that you fulfill a legitimate desire in a
wrong way or at the wrong time. Temptation always starts in your mind, not
in your circumstances.

Satan is the master of deception.
He will try to deceive you by telling you untruths and half-truths to get you
to bend a little. But a little sin is like being a little pregnant.
Satan promotes your disobedience.
You know what is the right and obedient thing to do – but toy with the opposite
thought in your mind. Satan takes what began as an idea and encourages you to
birth it into disobedient behaviour.
+ REFUSE to be intimidated.
Many believers are
frightened, demoralized, ashamed and overwrought by guilt because they realise
that they are not beyond temptation – you will never outgrow temptation. Temptation
is a sign that Satan hates you, not a sign of weakness or worldliness. It is
not a sin to be tempted. You can’t keep the devil from suggesting thoughts, but
you can choose not to dwell or act on them.
God made every one of us a
sexual being, and that is good. Attraction and arousal are the natural,
spontaneous, God-given responses to physical beauty; while lust is a deliberate
act of the will.
The closer you grow to God,
the more Satan will try to temp you – you are his enemy, and he’s plotting your
downfall. Even while you are praying, Satan will suggest a bizarre or evil
thought just to sidetrack or shame you – he fears your prayers. Treat these
thoughts as distractions from Satan and immediately refocus on God.
+ RECOGNISE your pattern of
temptation and be prepared for it.
Some circumstances will
cause you to stumble almost immediately, while others don’t bother you at all.
Satan surely knows exactly which ones make you more vulnerable. May be when you
are tired or lonely or bored or depressed or under stress. Might be when you’ve
been hurt or angry or worried, or even after a big success or spiritual high. Identify
your typical pattern of temptation – the Bible tells us to anticipate and be
ready to face temptation.
+ REQUEST God’s help.
God wants you to ask Him for
assistance in overcoming temptation. The Bible guarantees that our cry for help
will be heard; because Jesus is sympathetic to our struggle – He faced the same
temptations we do. God’s infinite love is everlasting, and his patience endures
forever. Ask Him for the power to do the right thing and then expect Him to
provide it. Temptations keep us dependent upon God. When you stumble – which
you will – look up to God, expect Him to help you and remember the reward that
is waiting for you.
Keep the faith… I love you ~
I will exalt you and praise
your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done wonderful things, things
planned long ago.” -Isaiah
Do you think that's air you breathe; that's earth you walk on? All matter is God's creation. And the source is faith. When you have so much faith that you become one of faith, infinite possibilities open to you...