Bible Verse of the Day

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Day 040 – Living with Purpose

Living on purpose is the only way to really live – everything else is just existing!

People struggle with basic issues in life (such as):

IDENTITY – ‘Who am I?’
IMPORTANCE – ‘Do I matter?’
IMPACT – ‘What is my place in life?’

The answers are in God’s purposes for our lives…

As we come to the end of this forty day journey, God’s purposes for your life should now be evident – you will be blessed if you do them!

To prevent getting distracted and drifting off course, develop a PURPOSE STATEMENT for your life.


It summarizes God’s purposes for your life.
It points the direction of your life
It defines ‘success’ for you
It clarifies your roles
It expresses your shape

Take time writing your statement; don’t aim for perfection at once, it’s a work in progress – just write down your thoughts as fast as they come to you.

Consider these questions as you prepare it:

+ What will be the centre of my life? – The question of worship.

You need an unshakable centre. Pray that Christ will be more and more at home in your heart. When God’s at the centre, you worship; when He’s not, you worry.

+ What will be the character of my life? – The question of discipleship.

Remember, you will take your character into eternity, not your career. Keep a firm grasp on both your character and your teaching with spiritual understanding, alert discipline, passionate patience, reverent wonder, warm friendliness and generous love.

+ What will be the contribution of my life? – The question of service.

Fashion a combination out of your spiritual gifts, heart, abilities, personality and experiences to establish your best role in the family of God. (Ministry)

You have to choose whom and how you can best help, based on your ‘shape’.

+ What will be the communication of my life? – The question of your mission.

Your mission should be aimed mainly at non-believers; it is the commitment to share your testimony and the Good News with others.

Our lives must support and validate the message we communicate - before unbelievers accept the Bible as credible they will need to know that we are credible – therefore be sure to live in a way that brings honour to the Good News of Christ.

+ What will be the community of my life? – The question of fellowship.

Where you genuinely practice with other believers and express your love for God’s church.

Now consider YOUR answers to these questions.

Pray, think about it, talk with close friends and reflect on Scripture. What matters most is that it fulfills God’s eternal purposes regardless of where you live or work or whom you associate with.

{There exists a suggestion that you develop your life purpose statement based on what you would like other people to say about you at your funeral – your perfect eulogy – actually it’s a very bad plan… Our purpose is to please God, not people.}

Put Jesus at the centre of your life, develop His character, devote your life to serving others, communicate His message and fulfill His mission and love and participate in His family – following these tenets will almost certainly give you the  basis for a phenomenal statement…

Our goal is to measure up to God’s plan for us.

The ultimate definition of a life well lived would prove to be: Doing the eternal and timeless (God’s purposes) in a contemporary and timely way (in your generation). – That is what the Purpose Driven Life is all about.

Only we can serve God’s purpose in this generation. God is constantly looking for people to use; it’s our job to assist Him.

One day history will come to an end, but eternity will go on forever. When fulfilling your purposes seems tough, don’t give in to discouragement. Remember your reward, which will last forever.


Start living on purpose today… Love you all ~ SB

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