Bible Verse of the Day

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

12:00 Noon on my Birthday 2011

Today (by midday) I have received about 100 posts, phone calls and sms messages of birthday salutations.

What amazes me is not the number of greetings; but the sincerity I feel contained and conveyed from each one. All different and heart-felt.

It is not a matter of being popular, rather the affect one has on other's lives.

All possible with the help of my Awesome God, who, by allowing my life a continued earth year Lord, I am truly blessed again...

My sister in-law remarked earlier that I be sure to blow out all my candles. I responded by saying, that if I did so, I wouldn't have any breath left for the rest of the year... She then made a very true statement: 'You will, it's God's everlasting breath in you, it's a blessing He can take away at any time. That's why I thank Him everyday for this (breath) within me...'

Thank you Father for your breath of life!

I love you and pray for you ~ SB

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