Who determines the choices and decisions we take and their
worthiness; for our wretched peace of mind to be appeased? How can we be sure
the path decided upon holds divine appliance?
Sure we say, 'I've prayed about it', and 'God has ordained
my actions' - how presumptuous of us to profess we fully understand the 'Aye'
and 'Nay' of the Father without even fully understanding ourselves. How
self-indulgent and misguided...
Much of the aforesaid builds a precinct in the mind for the
A desire to be well thought of makes people reluctant to say
'no' to anyone regarding anything. We should cultivate an ability to say 'no'
to activities for which we have no time, no talent, and in which we have no
interest or real concern. If we learn to say 'no' to many things, then we will
be able to say 'yes' to things that matter most.
But rather we persevere with our short-sighted, blinkered
aspirations of 'doing the right thing', no matter what the consequences may
hold; because, in our limited understanding of ourselves and the will of God;
we vindicate ourselves and wallow in the shallowness of false relief that we have
thrown off the shackles of guilt and man's narrow-minded reproaches.

We usually take this rash path to 'make up' to those we feel
we have grievously harmed or hurt, or caused unnecessary burdens to be placed
upon; and carried further we do it in penance of our past self-destructive
behaviour; which ironically we are now sub-consciously perpetuating...
If one really wants, or needs, to show and prove to our
loving Lord and Saviour a pure and repentant heart, think about it, find a
different alleviation. This self flagellation is tantamount to suicide, a mortal
sin, reserved for the unsaved and hopeless; not for the Children of God. ~ Stafford
A bit of fame or notoriety do funny things to people. They
start to think that anything they want is possible and even probable. They get
the peculiar notion that they are creatures of special grace, and that the
whole purpose of each day's sunrise is to warm them. Sometimes, for a while, it
even works out for them, and they read in this run of good fortune an entire
lifetime's destiny, rather than a single extraordinary chapter - Adler and Slavitt
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