Bible Verse of the Day

Thursday, August 25, 2011


You’ve probably heard this saying or portent very often:
 ‘Nobody is indispensable.’ Or ‘Everybody is Dispensable.’

It is a line bandied about often in these times; with employment positions at a premium and corporations wanting to unload a part of their workforce they reckon they could get by without; thereby boosting the profit margins. (I wonder how many companies’ largest overhead is still their staff wage-bill. – only government I guess!)

So they ‘threaten’ slackers or staff working short-time with dread by commenting that ‘nobody is indispensable’; we can replace you tomorrow if the need arises. This applies to almost any type of association or group. (Well, I guess, it would be challenged that the Pope, or leaders of his ilk, would be difficult to replace at the drop of a ‘mitre’ – but you know what I mean…

We’ve recently seen a host of foreign governments topple and being replaced. Many business giants are also being ousted or ‘set aside’ or are in the throes of being asked to ‘step down’; for many varied reasons. (Company image, bad personal behaviour, corruption, mismanagement, etc)

They are all dispensable…

But: ‘Nobody Is Indispensable’ or ‘Everybody Is Dispensable’ is utter rot!

I don’t know about you; but The Love of My Life (my Babykin) is indispensable to me.

My reliance on divine mercies, faithfulness and goodness make GOD indispensable to me.

The love, companionship and unconditional loyalty I get from my pets are indispensable to me. (Com’n they are individuals to me)

The support, understanding and tolerance I unthinkingly get from my immediate family (not neccessarily blood) is indispensable to me.

The love, sharing and immeasurable joy I feel from my Babykin is indispensable to me.

I can go on…

Never think of yourself as dispensable; somewhere there is somebody who thinks (or will get to learn to believe) that you are the greatest person in the world! And their lives will remain incomplete without you being in it. You are of worth and totally indispensable!

Learning to love yourself is a great love – without it you may as well be that dispensable myth…

I love you… ~ SB

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