You were made for a mission.
God wants you to have both a ministry in the Body of Christ and a mission in the world. Ministry is your service to believers. Your Mission is your service to non-believers – and it is unique to you.
That mission is introducing people to God!
God wants to redeem human beings from Satan and reconcile them to Himself. We are the messengers of God’s love and purposes to the world – ambassadors at large.
+ Your mission is a continuation of Jesus’ mission on earth.
In the GREAT COMMISSION Jesus said,
“Go to the people of all nations and make them my Disciples. Baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and teach them to do everything I have told you.”
This is your commission from Jesus, and it is not optional. You may be unaware that God holds you responsible for the unbelievers who live around you – your mission is to share Jesus with them.
+ Your mission is a wonderful privilege.
It is an incredible honour to be used by God – working with Him and representing Him. Jesus has secured our salvation, put us in His family, given us the Spirit, and made us His agents in the world.
+ Telling others how to gain eternal life is the greatest thing you can do for them.
We have the greatest news in the world, and sharing it is the greatest kindness you can show to anyone. (This is an amazing mindset to adopt!)
We must remember that no matter how contented or successful people may appear to be, without Christ they are hopelessly lost and headed for eternal separation from God.
+ Your mission has eternal significance.
The consequences of your mission will last forever – that being, helping people establish an eternal relationship with God.
We have all of eternity to celebrate bringing people to God; but we have only our lifetime in which to reach them! (So there is no time for delay; there is actually urgency!)
No need to change your current job or move elsewhere; share the Good News where you are. Continually look for people God places in your path with whom you can share the gospel.
+ Your mission gives your life meaning.
‘The best use of life is to spend it for something that outlasts it.’ – William James
Live Purpose Driven lives committed to worship, fellowship, spiritual growth, ministry, and fulfilling your mission on earth.
There are people on this planet that only YOU will be able to reach. If just one person will be in Heaven because of you, your life will have made a difference for eternity. (Caution: this does not afford you any guarantee of a place in Heaven!)
+ God’s timetable for history’s conclusion is connected to the completion of our commission.
Speculating on the exact timing of Christ’s return is futile. JESUS said, “No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in Heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. (The end of the world – The end of days – “…likes a thief in the night…”
If you want Jesus to come back sooner - focus on fulfilling your mission.
It is easy to get distracted and sidelined from your mission because Satan would rather have you do anything besides sharing your faith – even all kinds of good things as long as you don’t take anyone to Heaven with you.
To fulfill your mission will require that you abandon your agenda and accept God’s agenda for your life. If you will commit to fulfilling your mission in life no matter what it costs, you will experience the blessing of God. There is almost nothing God won’t do for those who are committed to serving the Kingdom of God . (You will want for nothing)
If you want to be used by God, you must care about what God cares about - the redemption of the people He made.
May you always be on the lookout to reach ‘one more for Jesus’ so that when you stand before God one day (will there still be ‘days’?), you can say, ‘Mission accomplished, Lord!’
Can’t wait to see you there… Love you ~ SB
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