Bible Verse of the Day

Friday, April 15, 2011

A Challenge addressed

The following is in response to comment received to recent posts; enquiring as to the progress (if any) of my personal journey of self-discovery and spiritual strength (I find the two indelibly linked and mutually dependent on each other)
here goes...

ANCHOR: Jesus' last command to His church: Matthew 28:19~20 'All authority in Heaven and on Earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everthing I have commanded you, and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age.'

Those who bend the knee of allegiance are consequently bestowed this right and power from Him. Christians not only have the right but are bound by love to tell others to change and become disciples.
Churches place an overemphasis on baptism and programs and have an unnecessary concern for large congregations and mass 'conversions'; whilst they should be reconsidering Christ's command to make wholesome disciples. Saving souls and building disciples are inseparably linked in Scripture.

I remember how someone cared for me (far past and recently present) ~ and that loving care and the lessons they had learned from God flowed into my life and changed me.
Discipling is one of the most invigorating and pivotal ways to have an unlimited personal ministry.
Discipling: It may be done at anytime, by anyone, anywhere and among any age group. It is the most flexible ministry, with no time frame or organisational structure.
Disciplemaking has no prestige rating, no denominational category but results seem consistently better than other ministries; I think because the parties are more 'one-on-one' orientated.

Nothing is more reasonable and more loving than to plead with the rebellious creations of God to stop, turn and give devotion to the King of kings; who will have the last say in this world. The authority, by the way, extends over the whole globe and no culture nor religion is beyond the great commission.

Incidently, bearing a cross does not primarily mean having hard and difficult times. The cross represents dying with Christ (on Calvary) - dying to the old and following in newness of life (removing the shackles that retard this growth).

Disciples of Jesus relate in a new way to the entire Godhead.
The Father becomes our Heavenly Father, the Son our Lord and the Holy Spirit our indwelling enabler~ the act of baptism submits one to all three (THE TRINITY) and one is pledged in allegiance to the Three.

The Great Commission is; and by its virtue so are we; entrenched in powerful grace (the promise of His absolute authority and power on the one side and the promise of His constant presence on the other).

I may have digressed from my intended purpose for this post but trust it accords some light to my present 'whole' position?

Everybody needs someone who uniquely completes them or takes up the cross with them to eternal happiness. I found mine! Praise the Lord! ~SB

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