Fear is our catalyst to seek CONTROL - yet, we are not in control, truth be told, we are incapable of handling being in control on our own and by our own understanding - so we fake being in control, and we cloud our FEARS, and make an even bigger mess out of it all - and, as such, we LIE about ourselves. Sadly and sinfully, mostly to ourselves...
Our fears are more often about what might happen, than what HAS happened... and so our words reflect that... and most definitely the words others utter against us through their fears. The words - I can live with the words uttered and cursed in fear - the actions and behaviours wrought out of fear is something totally more sinister and damning on all the souls it affects - God forgive us... - we cannot free ourselves from that which we cannot, or refuse to, acknowledge as shackles...

FEAR IS THE ULTIMATE MASTER OF OUR DESTINY - a loss of face (or status and perceived being) to other mortals, drives and steers our basest fears within, and hollows out the very core of our being - it's the stuff Satan uses to populate Hell; and the blueprint we foolishly use, to practice our path, in that direction here on Earth...
I fear for those souls who place such high value on their earthly status and perceived 'unnatural' suffering; I dread and cringe from those that continue to search for satisfaction from their affliction from outside, whilst their diseased inner-being is gutted by the meaning they give to this realm's realities; all that they have is the now - yes, we have to live in the 'now'; but we should never place our destiny on the 'now', nor should we dismiss the inevitable changing flux of the 'now' as a product of our own understanding, nor consider it a 'moment by moment entity' we can exact control over - sadly the fear I feel is as real as the fear which drives us to believe that it is all solely by our own making...
I am so deeply grieved; moreover stricken and haunted; by the poor souls who know only of turning to EARTHLY COUNSEL to address their fears and insecurities. It pains me to see them waste their yearning and/or passion for freedom on the trust they place in the temporary remedies that man may be able to provide for their fearful need- hear your people, have mercy, O God!
Be warned - bodily afflictions are but temporary set-backs and mental affectations of self are false positives of a tentative pride exhibited- the diseased and unredemptive soul is a potentially eternal state - it even defies death in this realm!
Lord, please fortify my faith: "Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified or discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." ~Joshua 1:9
It does indeed pay to practice both - yet your character is best served by the way you BEAR (tolerate) your pains; and not so much by how you BARE (reveal) them. But both bearing and baring our pains are useful lessons we should share with others - I believe we should just always pray first - for 'best practice' guidance - and so become the blessing! (",)
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