Tuesday, June 04, 2013

None so dumb...

Early this morning I clicked on my PC to watch the ending of a movie I had been viewing from the warm comfort of my bed last night, but had fallen asleep. I jumped back under the covers to enjoy the last 20 minutes of the tale... Last night, when all was quiet, the volume of the sound was set just right, even a bit loud; but this morning I struggled to hear with total distinction what was being said; and because of the crisp chill in the air, I was loathed to get out of bed again to adjust the volume a bit higher; and probably because I was not initially fully awake, I realised that I was not wearing my spectacles; and the thus the picture quality, in my eyes, lacked clarity and focal resolution as well... I popped on my reading glasses and voila! The picture was restored, I could SEE clearly; and amazingly the sound had improved too - I could now, in addition, HEAR everything better! - (I have no idea whether there exists some biological or scientific explanation to support my claim - but it works for me! Try it?) Yay, I didn't have to get out of bed, my world was good again...

It later occurred to me how similar this is to how we LISTEN to God and follow our FAITH in Him and His WORD. We can hear it, and even listen for it, but it becomes muffled. Our immediate circumstances cloud what we hear; the comings, goings and doings of our world prevent us from hearing very clearly, but we're sort of satisfied that, at least, some of it is getting through and we are encouraged by its constancy; yet still we are failing to hear it properly. I believe this is because we lose SIGHT of the big picture, the Master's Plan. We have adopted a distorted VISION and we have stopped SEEING (in our mind's eye too) and holding out for the FULL TRUTH. Evidence of the coming RAPTURE is already all around us - miracles abound - but we have come to prefer our rose-coloured glasses that cut out and sometimes even ignore what we should be hearing, seeing and sharing...

Let's all 'put on, and out, our best pair of glasses' today, and fully see and hear all the wondrous opportunities and revelations God has placed in our paths - I see it as RETURNING YOUR EYES UPON JESUS and PUTTING YOUR BEST FAITH FORWARD - Have an awesome day, y'all! (",)

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