Monday, June 03, 2013

Cross my heart...

Cross my heart
and hope to die
stick a needle in my eye
wait a moment,
I spoke a lie
I never really
wanted to die.
but if I may
and if I might
my heart is open
for tonight
though my lips are sealed
and a promise is true
I won't break my word
my word to you.

Cross my heart
hope to die
stick a needle in my eye.
a secret's a secret
my word is forever
I will tell no one
about your cruel endeavor.
you claim no pain
but I see right through
your words in
everything you do.
teary eyes
broken heart
life has torn
you apart

Cross my heart
hope to die
stick a needle in my eye
I loved you then
I love you now
I'll still love you
though I'll break my vow.
I can't hold this secret
any longer
it's hurting you
not making you stronger.
You're my friend
so I'll risk your respect
by hurting you
I can protect
I'll save yourself
since you will not
you might hate me
but I'll give it a shot.
I'm willing to risk
our bond that we own
so long as you're safe
you won't be alone.

Cross my heart
hope to die
stick a needle in my eye
break my promise
tell a lie
save my friend
though, maybe it's 'bye.

If you want to know if your friend will 'keep your secret' - try first, keeping it to yourself.


  1. Love!!!!!!! I didn't know you had a blog.

  2. Thanks for the visit, Tina. The word 'BLOG' was coined for the full term 'WEB LOG'... and initially, when I started out, it was a sort of daily personal journal. I now blog more profound or life-changing statements and/or questions - with a view to encourage, enlighten and assist. I have neglected the humourous content for far too long; bringing a smile or chuckle into some one's day is, in my opinion, priceless motivation; notwithstanding their circumstances. God bless - Staf x
