Any concern too small to be turned
into a prayer is too small to be made a burden. – Corrie ten Boom
I find the ‘big prayer’ more suited for early morning
(before the start of my day) – the preparation the night before; and the
slim-lining thereof as I drift off to sleep – when most of us I guess utter a
‘little prayer’ for deliverance to the next day?
This is no different from the notes (mental and/or written)
I would/should prep for a business meeting, a speech, etc; or even a date. It
is indeed prudent to be mindful, when communicating with God, that He already
has my answer before I pose my question, even before I request His favour on
some issue; He has already probably manifested and shown me this answer by what
has already happened in my life; or what has failed to happen. I amazingly
understand better my troubles and ambitions; and I am able to prioritise my
prayers; truthfully even abandon some petty and unnecessary ones. Clarity…
In truth the preparation for prayer; I reckon I should view
it as divine meditation; holds the crux to a successful meeting / audience with God. I almost never walk away
with an unanswered question or without a new idea about how to approach my dilemmas
– a new sense of hope has emerged and any emptiness of knowledge (the way
forward) has been filled.
Almighty God, unto Whom all
hearts be open, all desires known, and from Whom no secrets are hid; cleanse the thoughts
of our hearts (the true mind) by the inspiration of Your Holy Spirit, that we
may perfectly love You and worthily magnify Your
Holy Name – through Christ our Lord, Amen.
Whatever is begun in anger - ends in
shame. – Benjamin Franklin
Anger is fear manifested - and ultimately leads to hate - which leads to my ultimate demise... - Lord have mercy, Stafford
Anger is fear manifested - and ultimately leads to hate - which leads to my ultimate demise... - Lord have mercy, Stafford
You can't heal from what you refuse to confront