Friday, August 23, 2013

Philosophically Speaking...

There are a good many worthy Philosophies out there; in fact we are spoilt for choice if we have the presence of mind to better ourselves and to embrace any of them (which we, more often than not, sub- and unconsciously do). And that is a good thing. - We must however be aware that committing to a particular philosophy carries the danger of stagnation...

A philosophy or ideology is a theory or view of ideas formulated through experience and investigation which seeks to explain events by sussing out the laws and causes underlying reality. In effect a critique and/or analysis that makes inquiry into the nature of things based on logical reasoning - in a nutshell, it is the love and pursuit of wisdom by intellectual means that endeavours to seek mass approval.

One would gather, by its very definition, that a philosophy is not a destination, but rather a BASIS, or foundation. It is a set of ideals or laws we may use to initially start FROM and not necessarily unwaveringly live BY. In fact a 'philosopher' isn't the person or persons that formulated the philosophy - it is the FOLLOWER that is called a philosopher.

To avoid stagnation when becoming a philosopher - whilst living and adhering to the basis of a chosen philosophy - we must constantly and actively be questioning, growing and honing (shaping) that philosophy into an even more beneficial set of ideals for mankind to live by - take note that I am referring to WORTHY philosophies - look up the definition of 'worthy'.

I'm not going to rip into any of the existing 'worthy' philosophies that glaringly seek followers akin to cult-like radicals - although that would indeed give me great pleasure. Those philosophies are the ones that don't develop and produce philosophers; they tend to spit out disciplines and doctrines that call for strict, passionate static devotees - subjects devoid of, or restricted from, free-will and/or freedom of choice - in fact disallowing or frowning on alternate thought.

To get a better grasp as to the frequency of this occurrence; we have but just got to consider that any given country's Constitution is, in effect, a philosophy. Parliamentary Dictates or Acts are philosophies, as are even regional and cultural by-laws, etc - in fact whole the judicial system exhibits this attribution. Religious denominations, sects, cults, and the like, are all part and parcel of the plethora of philosophies pounding at our doors daily - and frighteningly, this includes the doors to our hearts and minds!

I could go on and on; but let me give you a case in point, that is more closer to my own experience and lifestyle I choose to live from and by: Did you know that should I have closed my mind and ONLY followed and adhered to the TEN COMMANDMENTS to the tee, in a blinkered and static manifestation of its ideals, I would never have come to know Jesus Christ as my Saviour? Oh yes, I would live an absolutely good and worthy life, totally in line with GOD's will, but the Ten Commandments on their own would not have taught me to strive and more importantly have the passion to open my spirituality, given its staid philosophical grounding, to also Love the Lord my God with all my heart, with all my soul, and with all my mind, nor would I know to Love my neighbour as myself. (Mat. 22:37-40) - I know certain arguments may be raised against this citation - you can take me up on that at another time - but it clarifies the point I am trying to make.

With this in mind, it follows that, the strength and lessons we draw from others must be varied; since nobody is perfect, we require a good few earthly teachers and role-models, who by no means must be geographically nor philosophically clustered - the wisdom must be garnered from all and every contact we meet, or are compelled to interact with - in so doing we learn to balance our passion to change. The gift of free-will or freedom of choice, is nothing, if not the freedom to change and employ reason, so as not to remain in a rut of lament and stagnation. Succumbing to circumstance is illogical for the reasonable man who has been indoctrinated, influenced and molded by maintaining the status-quo; and is tantamount to self-abuse... The rub is to define your circumstance and your current disposition thereof into a journey, and move out of the mindset that calls it 'home'...

In the end, a worthy philosophy is a basis that has got to include compassion and empathy; and allow itself to work in concert with the goodness found in other ideologies - and a good philosopher thereof has got to have the freedom of choice to extend, nurture and grow its worthiness, through change, into eternity - and, funnily enough, isn't that what God's plan for mankind is all about?

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