Friday, July 27, 2012

Less Denials...

Everything happens for a reason - I believe that... in fact I believe things happen for a multiple number of reasons - not necessarily always directly related to my circumstance. That thing that didn't play out the way I wanted it to doesn't mean I am being denied my wish - I have been divinely withheld from that accomplishment maybe because the timing isn't right; or something better is coming my way or someone else needed my input in the matter to accomplish something really important in their life - and I was then a part of that, most times unknowingly. - Exactly why we must be grateful for everything; no matter how irritating, or satisfying, even devastating - the reason will eventually be revealed...

- ACCEPTANCE is vital to maintain a positive outlook - through it we can continue to dream our dreams - we need to practice it more often - Stafford (from the heart)

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us,” -Hebrews 12:1

1 comment:

  1. I observe in the limited field in which I find myself, that unless I can reach the hearts of men and women, I am able to do nothing. I observe further that so long as the spirit of hate persists in some shape or other, it is impossible to establish peace or to gain our freedom by peaceful effort...

    We must either let the law of love rule us through and through or not at all. Love among ourselves based on hatred of others breaks down under the slightest pressure. The fact is, such love is never real love. It is an armed peace. War will only be stopped when the conscience of mankind has become sufficiently elevated to recognize the undisputed supremacy of the Law of Love in all the walks of life.

    Some say this will never come to pass. I shall retain the faith till the end of my earthly existence that it shall come to pass. - "Mahatma Gandhi:"
