Monday, January 23, 2012

With this ring… and other jewels of the soul

The finger ring; the symbol of continuous unity. The conventional and ‘modern’ symbol exchanged between two people, to express commitment to each other. In the mainstream these symbols are usually fashioned out of precious metals, and the majority of them are inlayed with precious stones – both materials laboriously hewn out of the earth, having come into existence over millenniums of geological turmoil and favour.

I think that may be the reason why the ring of commitment is made out of expensive precious materials, so that besides its geometric shape, its geological make up further enhances and conveys the worth placed upon its symbolism. But does that symbolism, as initially I’m sure it was intended, still convey the real heartfelt love that should exist between the two people?

One may argue that because of the cost, it shows how much is being sacrificed; but money can’t buy love. It may also be challenged that it houses some wealth for the love to be sustained, when the bad times crop up; but we all know that in these times the path is to rather split the commitment. I can go on, about many points championing its worth; but none that truly promote the love that a ring may benefit a relationship.

Oh, I’m not cynical about it. I know of many who become quite frantic when they have misplaced or have lost their relationship ring-band/s. But what is the real reason for their angst? Is it the money involved, the loss of face, and the dread of expected admonishment; how many actually think of that situation as a piece of their love for the other lost? – In truth, some even see it as a sign that the union has come to its end!

That is why I say: real love for each other is not something we store up in material gains strived for together, true love for one another has limited place in the support for one another to really succeed in the workplace, etc – that is common love. That is love that benefits both (read between the lines, and explore your raw, unclouded thoughts). Pure unconditional love only serves one party; it compels one to sacrifice your own happiness for that of another. It has a passion to comfort another, take care of someone, and be there at all times. Real love generously gives your time to another. Your heart and soul… everything dear to you; the cost of this love is priceless and ceaseless; certainly many realms beyond the mere price of a symbolic ring

That’s how it is with God’s love, once you’ve experienced it. It is unfettered by jewellery and symbolism. It dwells within. It inspires and extends its power to all around. It makes you feel like the greatest person on earth! Your status, your reputation, your self-worth is secondary (they may form an integral part of you, but are mere perks) – your real meaning and purpose naturally flows from this love.

When two people embrace this type of love, employ and practice it on each other – (to quip a phrase) the world is not enough. You are then true God-ordained masters of the universe – and remember that then, He holds a primary place within the union. Awesome and breathtaking!

So, the next time you have to buy that gift for someone special, think twice about the diamond-earrings, gold cuff-links and sterling silver neck-chains. Give from the heart, give in practicality that enhances that pure love – give a divine hug and a kiss. Speaking for myself I unashamedly admit being partial to lingerie – a good book – a personalized love song tape (CD or DVD) – don’t forget the greeting card and flowers!

My most precious piece of ‘jewellery’ is a little red wooden key-ring heart gifted to me by a special friend - it conveys the most profound message ever - “I TOOK SOME TIME AND THOUGHT OF YOU”.

I’m ready to take a chance again, ready to put my heart on the line… God bless and keep us safe, till we meet again ~SB

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” -Matthew 7:7-8

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