Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Eo Mai. . .

by Queen P. . .

Hea 'Oe mai ?
Make ko'u na'au Po'e pana'i
Ku'u ho'i loko 'Oe houpo?

Eia ho'i pai a pa'i pili eia
Na'e pana i'ole mamao aku
Aloha, piha ke haka. . .

Where did you come from?
Making my heart a hostage
to leave in your chest?

And even with you
still beating so far away
love fills the empty. . .

You haven't found the right person if you can live with them, you've found the right person if you can't live without them. - Unknown

Life can change in an instant. Intellectually we know this - but we think the bad things, at least, will happen to someone else. So we make our plans and see the future stretching out in front of us as real as if it has already happened. But while looking to tomorrow, we may forget to notice all the todays slipping by. And we may forget that a job retrenchment, a debilitating illness, an encounter with a drunk driver or myriad other events can alter that future in the blink of an eye... God Bless ~ SB

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