Thursday, November 17, 2011

BRUNO departs...

The one best place to bury a good dog is in the heart of its master. - Ben Hur Lampman

Born a dog
Died a gentleman

To call him a dog hardly seems to do him justice, though inasmuch as he had four legs, a tail, and barked, I admit he was, to all outward appearances. But to those who knew him well, he was a perfect gentleman. - Hermione Gingold

There is sorrow enough in the natural way
From men and women to fill our day;
But when we are certain of sorrow in store
Why do we always arrange for more?
Brothers and sisters I bid you beware
Of giving your heart to a dog to tear. - Rudyard Kipling

I feel the absence of this beloved companion more keenly and painfully than I mourned pets in the past, we shared a unique bond. I am surprised by the ongoing feelings of love for my departed pet dog Bruno. I know the the most vital step in coping with the emotions of loss I feel is acknowledging them. I have read the coping advices: "Let yourself feel - write down your feelings, cry, be angry, call someone. Know that it is all right to be so upset over losing your pet and that it takes time to heal. To deny and/or repress that sense of loss would be to devalue the love and affection that the pet brought into your life."

I may run into people - even close friends - who don't understand my grief, and who may tell me that it is "silly" or "inappropriate" to grieve over the loss of an animal. After all, it was "just a dog." It is easy to condemn such people out of hand for what seems an inexcusable lack of understanding. But before I write off these friends or acquaintances, I must remind myself that few people have much experience in dealing with grief, either their own or that of others. Grief makes people uncomfortable; most people genuinely want to help, but simply don't know how - and they are painfully aware that they lack the right words to console, or make one feel better. The words they do find may seem clumsy or insensitive. Moreover it is also probably a good idea to keep in mind that many, many people have simply never had a close relationship with an animal of any kind.

Acknowledging emotions may hurt - these emotions are painful, after all - but it provides the opportunity to control their outlet. Far from being childish, this action lets one get your feelings into the open. There you can look at them and begin to understand them, which is a healthy start on releasing them once and for all. Only by looking at my reactions honestly can I begin the process of working through them and coming out whole and happy on the other side.

Coping with sorrow is easier said than done - but it has been done, I have done it before and probably will again... ~ SB

That one true heart was left behind!
What feeling do we ever find
To equal among human kind
A dog's fidelity!
- Thomas Hardy

I think God will have prepared everything for our perfect happiness. If it takes my dog being there [in Heaven], I believe he'll be there. - Rev. Billy Graham

I held his head and stroked his brow as the vet administered 'the dose' and he drifted off on another journey... The cancer had gotten beyond treatment and his pain must have been immense; but not once did that noble beast ever show me his distress - faithful friend to the end, he nuzzled me as we parted. I took him home and buried him in the ground he so loved digging holes in - happy trails Bruno, Godspeed. - Stafford

1 comment:

  1. Shireen Sanders- Munnick
    Hi Stafford.

    Hope this poem helps with the goodbye to Bruno.

    We are allowed to grieve the loss of a pet but must people do not understand this love we have for our pets.

    What you did was difficult but Bruno is in a better place.

    The Last Battle

    If it should be that I grow frail and weak,

    And pain should keep me from my sleep,

    Then will you do what must be done,

    For this, the last battle, can't be won.

    You will be sad I understand,

    But don't let grief then stay your hand,

    For on this day, more than the rest,

    Your love and friendship must stand the test.

    We have had so many happy years,

    You wouldn't want me to suffer so.

    When the time comes, please, let me go.
