Sunday, October 23, 2011

We are not in control...

Were God to merely relax His grasp on the universe every atom would come apart "by fire" (that is, by nuclear fire). God dynamically sustains the universe, including the atoms themselves. They are "stable" only because force from the spiritual realm is being supplied into the physical nuclear binding fields.

Whatever we may think of God and physics, the Bible leaves us with no room to doubt that God does care about the sparrow that falls to the ground, the widow, the orphan, and the homeless. He does not lose track of His children and watches over them with infinite, patient, intimate Fatherly care. He sustains the universe by His mighty word of power. He also alters the status quo and, in response to prayer, frequently changes the course of entire nations.

God is the present Sustainer of the universe. That is, He is not uninvolved, remote, detached and impersonal, leaving things to run by themselves by any means...
Among secular scientists today there are many who acknowledge that God exists. But He is usually considered as only a First Cause -the One who brought the universe into existence and set it into motion. But most of these same scientists assume God was not involved after the initial act of creation.

The statements are clear in the Bible that God is very much involved in every event that takes place in the on-going history of the entire universe...

"Even when you think God is long gone, if you can remember to ask for help, you will see that He has been there all along."

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