Monday, August 08, 2011

Our Sonnet

Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity. ~Henry Van Dyke

Sweet Lady, song of my heart,
Hold my hand, as this journey we start.
Lift me up in spirit of joy and gladness;
And shield my soul from heartbreak and sadness.
Steadfast, honest and true;
Your partner is here and will forever love you.

It is my prayer that I always be;
The one who brings joy and sets your spirit free.
With my love I’ll cover you and warm your soul with mine;
Give you pleasures – like none you will find.
My Sweet Lady, song of my heart;
I will love you forever, together or apart.

So hear me Sweet Lady, and know in your soul;
That there's no better future than with you to grow old.
Endless caresses, touches and kisses;
Our passion a banner for our love’s true existence.
My hand I extend and my honour I offer;
For being with you, my Love, there is no greater pleasure.

Your hand I accept, and all your love as well;
My heart sings so loudly, all can tell
I am loved and in love with the Lady made for me
Hold my hand; let us walk through this life
Being what we were meant to be

- Carol Stecher and Jim Foreman - (paraphrased)

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