Friday, June 24, 2011

OVERKILL at the behest of OVERTHINK...

I have learnt, over a long time, that it profits no one to overthink everything. They say that judgment is the ability to discern quality (of life?) above price (sacrifice?). But judgment has its pitfalls... For me, personally, it is the time (that precious gift we squander so wantonly) it saps so greedily:

Judgment is the constant evaluation of things as right or wrong, good or bad. When you are constantly evaluating, classifying, labeling, analysing you create a lot of turbulence in your internal dialogue. This turbulence restricts the flow of energy between you and the field of pure potentiality." - Deepak Chopra

Here we see it also tends to create chaos in the mind and retard our actualisation of self. It is the forerunner in prompting your 'sacrifices' and setting a faulty compass to guide your life's journey. Anybody who believes in a greater Being (or controlling force) should know that this journey never ends. It is a path we choose to follow for the rest of our lives. Certain portions of the Bible allude to the fact that some of us will not complete this journey here on earth (this current dimension / plain / firmament) but will continue to traverse it even into Eternity (or whatever 'Nirvana' your beliefs take you to). If you want to be happy in the knowledge and supreme comfort and expectation of abundant life forever, you have no alternative but to stop the behaviours that lead to killing your dreams...

I'm not saying we should throw all caution to the wind, that would be insulting the intelligence our Father afforded us. He also coupled this with free choice, a commodity many of us have lethargically left in the hands of our circumstances, flawed past-learned morals, and perceptions. A contrary group of us tend to exploit this freedom to the other extreme, and try to control everything (overkill), with disastrous results; and we wonder why? Life is balance my friends; not a litany of rules to be followed, but a constantly changing entity; way too big and complicated for us mere mortals to contemplate mastering.

(Did you know that even the 'gunk' stuck way at the very back of your refrigerator can evolve into an 'intelligent' life form? - of no consequence just a quick diversion to prepare you for the punch-line and perhaps an interlude to let you absorb more fully the gravity and import of the aforesaid)

So why do we even consider putting off certain challenges along the way? Why fear the bad and evil and try to avoid them? They are a consequence of knowing what is good; and therefore, for the Believer, an inevitability and natural reality that must be faced and overcome! Try not to shy away, grab and pull these awful monsters by the beard, and shake their negative perversions from your inner peace; into oblivion.

The lyrics in the previous post ('I will always love you') on this very blog, whilst beautiful and haunting, impart a finality that could only exist in very damaged, hopeless and non-Believing souls. There is always hope, no matter how 'hard' the road or apparently insurmountable the challenges. To question this, would be to question your faith, throw doubt in your Creator and discount all His glory and power.

It all begins with learning to love yourself... I know, it is all easier said than done, but now I have put it out there, and it is up to you to take up the cross.

Enough said, read between the lines - SB

If I could change the world
I would be the sunlight in your universe
You would think my love was really something good
Baby if I could change the world

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